Friday, December 14, 2012

Why learn a world language? Videos made by students

Students, I could tell you all the benefits of learning a world language. I could go ON and ON about the opportunities you get when you able to respectfully and appropriately communicate in another language. I could babble for hours about my own journey of language learning.  Like that job I had in Switzerland calling people and asking for their current contact information in Spanish and French, or the job in Mexico where I helped research the possibility of a National Football League team on the border of Mexico. We all know that you would probably not be impressed.

These videos of students describing how learning a world language are impressive. They are way better. Watch them.

Hot Tamale Activities (email me at

  • rank the top 5 videos and explain why you like them
  • choose 3 videos and give suggestions on how you would improve them
  • plan your own video! What would you show? What would you say?

Your hair dryer/phone charger won't work in many other countries

Ladies and gentlemen - I am doing you a HUGE favor by telling you this now as opposed to you finding out the hard way.


This means you have to buy/borrow a dohickie (aka adapter) to plug in between your phone charger and the international outlet. And ladies, I cannot tell you how many times I have ruined a perfectly good hair dryer or hair iron because the wattage is also different in other countries. (Pro tip - get comfortable going natural with your hair or waste money on a appliance once you get to the country you're going to.)

Hot Tamale Activities (email your response to

  • identify the country for the flags - extra bonus include the watt power
  • send me links to different adapters that you can buy online and tell me which one I should get and why

How to Laugh online in Different Languages

There's a lot of ways to laugh online in English





But how to translate that to another language? Read this article to find out how to laugh online in 12 different languages.

Hot Tamale Activities (email me at

  • find images like this (or create your own) using different language laughs
  • create a Google Map with laughs from around the world (check out how to do this in these 2 videos here and here. Different project, same tool)
  • figure out and explain to me how to type those Chinese marks (I have no idea!)
  • explain which one of those is the most interesting to you? Why?