Thursday, March 14, 2019

Current Immigration Articles 2019

Youth at the largest children detention center in the U.S.
I've been posting about Immigration since I started this blog nine years ago. The issues around this topic evolve and change often, so here is a collection of recent articles (with audio provided for many of them) related to what is currently happening around different aspects of the topic.

Many of the articles focus on what happens to youth who come to the border.

Here is a interactive website where you can learn about the U.S. and Mexican border.

Create a new blog post in your Spanish Blog Portfolio (or send an email to your Spanish teacher), title it the same as this blog post, and answer one of the following questions in complete sentences based on these images.

Monday, March 11, 2019

No Te Calles

Throughout the history of music there are many protest songs. Here is a recently released song in Spanish.

Create a new blog post in your Spanish Blog Portfolio, title it the same as this blog post, and complete 2 of the following tasks
  • This song is about standing up and fighting for something you believe in. If you were to go out to the streets to protest something, what would it be and why? Explain 
    • You can follow up by going to this website related to the song and share your reason to be out in the streets and not be silenced.
  • Look up the lyrics and identify 5 keywords to translate from Spanish to English.
  • Create a brief biography of Ruben Blades in your own words. 
  • What other protest songs do you know about? Create a list of at least 3 and what they are fighting for.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

100 Billion Words

For the Superbowl this year Google made an advertisement. Check it out below.

Create a new blog post in your Spanish Blog Portfolio, title it the same as this blog post, and answer 2 of the following questions in complete sentences based on these images.
  • Check out Google Translate phone app. What are 3 different features you could use the app besides just typing in words?
  • Try out one of the features and share how it went.
  • Select a time in this video and explain where you think it takes place. What evidence do you use to make that guess?
  • According to the ad, what are the most translated words? Why do you think that is?
  • Do you think this is a good or effective ad? Explain your answer.

Monday, March 4, 2019

How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk

One of the hardest things about being a World Language teacher is that there usually isn't just one direct translation or one way to say something. In fact, there are many examples of different translations for the same word. Did you know we have that in English too?

Create a new blog post in your Spanish Blog Portfolio, title it the same as this blog post, and complete 2 of the following tasks
  • Take the quiz here and screen shot your score.
  • Is the score reflective of where you are from? Explain. 
  • Take screen shots of the weirdest questions and include them in your post. 
  • Have you ever experienced a situation where you use one word (in English) and someone didn't know what you meant? Tell the story.