Thursday, July 17, 2014

Undocumented Youth in the United States

As we've been learning about immigration, we've been focusing on what should happen to the teenagers who are living in the United States but are not legal U. S. Citizens.

Click here to listen to a radio piece about students in a high school in El Paso, Texas. They go to school in the United States, but some of them are believed to be undocumented. (You do not have to prove citizenship to be educated in the United States.)

Email your responses to the Hot Tamale Activities below to

  • Describe the family situation of one of the students (Alonso, Junior, or Zuarmitzi) in the story.
  • Pick one of the students and explain what you would do if you were in their situation.

Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors are Coming to Pittsburgh

A few weeks ago we learned about immigration in class. We specifically focused on youth from Latin American countries (especially Central American countries) crossing the border without adults.

Watch this newsclip to learn about how some of the "unaccompanied minors" are coming to Pittsburgh.

Answer the following questions in an email to or an additional blog post.

  • What are some concerns that people in Pittsburgh have about the youth coming to Pittsburgh?
    • What is your reaction to their concerns?
  • What was it like for Bartolo to come to the United States? 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Can you pass a U.S. Citizen test?

When we talk about immigration issues that the United States are currently facing we discuss how hard it is to become a legal U. S. citizen. Part of the process is to pass a test about U.S. history. Below is an idea of what kinds of questions would be on the test.

As a Hot Tamale Activity, take the test. (Click here to go to the website. If that link does not work, here is a similar test.)

  • If you get a passing score, email a screen shot of the score to
  • Do you think all citizens should know this information? Explain your answer.